To the brave souls…

… who ventured into the wild world of my words…

Thank you for investing your time, attention, and heart into my stories and poems. You have always been there for me, and your support has kept me going as a writer and my stories flowing.

Whether you smiled or maybe even scratched your head, your support means the world to me. I promise to keep the adventures coming—hopefully even better ones.

And perhaps in the near future, where my stories have become currency and I’m travelling around the world or just happily wandering through fields, observing tiny insects and catching frogs, I’ll forever cherish your kind words, etching them into the tablet of my heart… eh!

See you in the next story!

With love,

Yari <3

5 thoughts on “To the brave souls…”

  1. Happy to stay and read the musings in your head and weaving of words which only you can so magically do. Love you and your words!

  2. Your stories offer me a different POV to the world around, unlike the my own. I always appreciate the time and effort you invest into these. Looking forward to your next story!

  3. I love how you play with words, even in saying thanks to your readers!
    This phrase made me smile,
    ‘ventured into the wild world of my words…’
    Waiting for my next chance to venture.


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